Glaswelt • Eloorac Glass transport rack system
Stable and space-saving

GLASWELT • Fachbericht über Eloorac

The trade magazine Glaswelt reports in November 2015 on the new transport system from ELOORAC. The Glaswelt sees many advantages for the windows, facades, glass and doors industry.
GLASWELT  11|2015 | Eloorac rack system

Stable and space-saving

The newly developed Eloorac transport system is based on the Euro pallet. In addition, only two additional, different system components are required. These are used in the required number and thus allow a multitude of transport possibilities for glass, window and front doors. The maximum load-bearing capacity of the reusable frames per set is 2000 kg. The system was originally developed to be able to transport glass doors in large quantities upright on Euro pallets in a space-saving manner. In the case of glass doors, this is 30 to 50%, depending on the height of the glass doors.

In a similar form, however, more windows, (front) doors and insulating glass can be transported on the loading area with an Eloorac. The size of the frames can be individually adjusted at any time, and weight-specific adjustments are also possible. In addition, the transport racks are also suitable for rack pools and approved accordingly. Positive for return transport: loose Elooracs require very little loading space 70 sets require only about 1.2 m². The new system is offered by developers worldwide.
To the PDF article of the Journal Glaswelt: Eloorac in der Glaswelt  

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