Rollers under pallets
Eloowheel’s make everything rollable

Eloorac Transportgestell Video
5.0 | Rolls under pallets 1
5.0 | Rolls under pallets 1
5.0 | Rolls under pallets 1
5.0 | Rolls under pallets 1

Enormous flexibility

Quick + tool-free assembly

Space-saving when not in use

Makes every pallet rollable

5.1 » 5.0 | Rollers on pallets

Castor + swivel castor combinations

The following illustrations show examples of rollable pallet combinations. As you can see, many things are possible.










Heavy-load castor Version

– as braked swivel castor and fixed castor
– Galvanized steel housing
– Heavy-duty polyamide wheel Ø125 mm
– Load capacity per castor 350 kg

Also available
– with polyurethane tread
– as stainless steel version

Detail attachment “Heavy Load” castors

Animation Fastening the Eloowheel Heayvy Load castors to the pallet. No tools are required for assembly.

Eloowheel Light version

Illustration of the lighter version of our castor to pallet system. The Eloowheel "Light" castors can carry up to 100 kg / castor. Please note that the stabilizing bar does not run underneath the pallet and is much thinner than the stabilizing bar of the standard castors or "Heavy Load" castors.
– as braked swivel castor and fixed castor
– Galvanized steel housing
– Castor made of polyamide Ø125 mm
– Load capacity per castor 100 kg

Available as
– swivel castor set
– as a set with swivel castors + fixed castors

Detail attachment “Light” castors

Animation Fastening the Eloowheel Light castors to the pallet. Again, no tools are required for assembly.

5.2 » 5.0 | Rolls on pallets

Interested? Select the desired roller sets now.

Simply place the roller sets you require in the inquiry basket. Then enter your contact details and click on “Send”. We will then send you an offer as soon as possible.

Assembly instructions
Eloowheel “Heavy-Load” castors

Assembly instructions
Eloowheel “LIGHT” castors

5.3 » 5.0 | Rollers on pallets

“Eloowheel rollers” impressions

Abbildung einer Gipspalette von Knauf, welche auf Eloowheel Lenk- und Bockrollen steht und somit auch auf der Baustelle individuell verschoben werden kann.
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Details zur Gipspalette auf Eloowheel Lenk- und Bockrollen. Die Eloowhell Rollenaufnahme kann ohne Probleme auch an Holzbalken verwendet werden. Es müssen hierfür lediglich ein paar Löcher an passender Stelle in die Balken gebohrt werden.
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Ein 4,8 Meter langes Eloorac Messebau Transportgestell ist mit 4,5 Meter langen Spanplatten die für einen Messestand gedacht sind, beladen und wird auf Eloowheel Transportrollen durch die Fertigung eines Messebauunternehmens bzw. einer Tischlerei gefahren.
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Eloowheel Rollen Messebau Transportgestell Europaletten
Türen die auf einem Eloorac Transportgestell stehen, werden auf einfache Weise durch die an der Europalette gesteckten Eloowheel Transportrollen von Eloorac, in einen Aufzug geschoben.
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Abbildung eines Eloorac Transport Gestells mit Eloowheel Lenkrollen und Bockrollen. Das Montagegestell ist auf einer Europalette befestigt. Dieses Eloorac A-Gestell ist mit Gipskartonplatten von Knauf bzw. Rigips beladen und kann wunderbar auf der Baustelle von Raum zu Raum gefahren werden.
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Bei viele Montagefahrzeugen macht es Sinn, Eloowheel Rollen mit an Board zu haben. Oft sind schwere Produkte auf den Baustellen zu bewegen. Zugegeben, nicht auf jeder Baustelle funktioniert unser Rollen unter Palette System aber dort wo es funktioniert, werden Zeit, Geld und Rückenschmerzen eingspart.
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Besonders schwere und unhandliche Maschinenenteile sind nicht immer so einfach mit einem Stapler oder Hubwagen zu bewegen. Um Flexibilität in der Produktion oder beim Kunden zu gewährleisten, sind die Lenkrollen sowie Bockrollen des Eloowheel Rollensystems eine gern gesehene Alternative.
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Eloowheel Rollen Platzsparend Rollwagen
5.0 | Rolls under pallets 17
Möbeltransport auf Eloorac Transportgestell und Eloowheel Rollen. Diese 2,4 Meter lange Palette (2 x Europalette) kann jederzeit auf 3,6 oder 4,8 oder .... Meter verlängert werden. Einfach ein paar Rollen mehr anbauen und schon ist eine einfache Handhabung gewährleistet.
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Eloowheel Rollbare Zement Palette
5.0 | Rolls under pallets 19
Eloowheel Rollbare H1 Kunststoff Palette
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Eloowheel | The “rollers under pallets system”

Eloowheel castors make many pallets rollable

Eloowheel is the solution when it comes to rollable Euro pallets. The transport castors are simply attached to the Euro pallet. No matter how many Euro pallets are connected to each other, really every variant can be quickly made rollable. Eloowheel´s are available as fixed or swivel castors. In addition to the normal wooden Euro pallet, Eloowheel´s can also be mounted on “H1” plastic pallets.

Place wheels where necessary

Eloowheel “castors under pallets” can be fitted individually where it makes sense. The centre Euro pallet shows the maximum number of castors on a standard pallet. The left-hand combination of braked swivel castors and fixed castors is ideal for manoeuvring in very narrow and angled aisles. This castor arrangement allows the pallet to turn on the spot like a pirouette.

5.4 » 5.0 | Rollers on pallets

The Eloowheel “Roll under pallet” principle

The Eloowheel “Castors under pallets system” is flexible and easy to use. The graphic below shows that there are only 3 different plates, each of which can be fitted with swivel castors or fixed castors. With the “EW-FML” and “EW-SML” models, it is possible, among other things, to place 2 pallets, which together form a longer pallet, at their “butt joints”. Theoretically, an infinitely long pallet can be made rollable in this way.

Illustration of how few Eloowheel roller types are required for EPAL and plastic pallets.

EW = ElooWheel, S = Swivel castor, F = Fixed castor, C = Corner of pallet, M = Middle of pallet, L = Long pallet site, N = Narrow pallet site

Whether swivel castors, fixed castors, polyamide castors or transport castors with polyurethane wheels, all castors have a load capacity of 350 kg per wheel. The dimensions of the support shoes refer to wooden Euro pallets and H1 plastic pallets. Many other pallet types are manufactured with similar dimensions and can therefore usually also accommodate Eloowheel castors.

Available roll variants

The Eoowheel system is available with braked swivel castors and fixed castors. Unbraked swivel castors do not make sense due to the flexibility of the system. Imagine that an employee only installs braked swivel castors on his pallets. The next employee may not have a single braked castor available. This would not be an ideal situation and therefore the only correct decision for us would be not to offer unbraked swivel castors in the first place. Safety has priority.

Heavy-load castor variants

Braked swivel castors:

1. galvanized steel housing, heavy-duty wheel made of polyamide 2. galvanized steel housing, heavy-duty wheel with polyurethane tread for sensitive floors 3. stainless steel housing, heavy-duty wheel made of polyamide

Fixed castors:

4. galvanized steel housing, heavy-duty polyamide wheel 5. galvanized steel housing, heavy-duty wheel with polyurethane tread for sensitive floors 6. stainless steel housing, heavy-duty polyamide wheel

5.5 » 5.0 | Rollers on pallets

Videos for handling the pluggable castors

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This video makes the principle of Eloowheel castors even clearer. It not only shows the tool-free assembly of the swivel castors and fixed castors. Above all, the incredible flexibility in terms of pallet length makes the viewer realise that there is hardly a comparable castor system with similar advantages.

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In this video, we show how to use the Eloorac lifter to raise a Euro pallet so that Eloowheel castors can be fitted to the pallet. The lifter is a very useful tool that replaces a pallet truck or forklift. The cool thing is that the lifter can be dismantled and can therefore be stored in any assembly vehicle to save space.

Castor mounting with the lift

Lifter correctly inserted to lift the pallet

The lifter works very simply. You drive into the opening of the Euro pallet, which has no base board. By simply pulling down or pushing the lever bar, the 2 lifting parts lift the pallet. The user instructions on the lever bar must always be observed. On uneven terrain, this can move back up to the starting position in an uncontrolled manner. The bar must always be held down by another person.
IMPORTANT: The lifter can be used for pallets with a total weight of max. 600 kg.

Assembly of the lifter for wheel mounting

The lifter was actually only designed because one question was often asked: “What do I do if there is no forklift on site and I have to mount the Eloowheel castors on a loaded Euro pallet?”. The aim was to design a tool that can be dismantled and stowed away to save space. The lifter consists of 2 lifting parts and a lever bar with a split pin. The picture shows the simple assembly. Time required: 10 – 20 seconds.

This page is about rolls under pallets

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